Thursday, February 6, 2020
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Dunwoody Nature Center
North Woods Pavilion
5343 Roberts Dr, Dunwoody, Georgia 30338
Tickets & RSVP Here
Socialize with your friends & neighbors in the beautiful North Woods Pavilion at the Dunwoody Nature Center. Learn about upcoming projects and plans in Dunwoody & our region that support safe human-powered movement. Provide input and collaborate on our upcoming initiatives and what is planned by the city, our neighbors and the region. Be a part of the Bike Walk Dunwoody organization to effect positive change.
*** BRING***
— A favorite beverage to share
— An appetizer to share
6:30 pm: Social / Mixer
7 pm: Viewing of "Shifting Gears: Cycling in Atlanta" Documentary
7:30 pm: City of Dunwoody: Vulnerable Road User Law & Public Works Update
8:15 pm: Bike Walk Dunwoody Organization -- Where do we go from here?

Meeting Topics include:
* Introduction of DHS Students that produced "Shifting Gears: Cycling in Atlanta"
* Update on Dunwoody's Vulnerable Road User law. The first of its kind in the state of Georgia, providing additional protections for cyclists and pedestrians, taking effect in May
* Dunwoody Public Works: Update on Master Transportation Plan, Update on Bike/Ped/Trails: Budgeted & approved and potential in 2020 and beyond. Regional Connectivity.
* Bike Walk Dunwoody Organizational Meeting, Volunteer roles. Be a part of the change that you would like to see become reality in our community.