Dunwoody’s Bike-Riding Mayor


Sometimes a little bit can mean a lot. Like your mayor showing up on a Sunday afternoon in November to join his fellow neighbors on a little community bike ride.

Like your mayor riding his bike FROM his house to the ride start. On-street. Okay. It was all of nine tenths of a mile from his house. And he needed a bit of egging on, even calling him on his cell phone and assuring him he wasn’t going to be dropped by a bunch of spandex -wearing Tour de France wannabes. The ride was less than five miles. And, no police escort, either. —Think about that one: Why SHOULD you need a police escort to simply go for a bike ride in your own community, anyway ??

B-U-T…. STILL…. This is just dang cool. We thank our mayor for joining in and look forward to seeing him, and many more of our neighbors out & about on their bikes in Dunwoody. Whether it be for an organized ride, for exercise or fun, or just to simply go somewhere.


Checkout this   SUPER-FUN-HIGH-ENERGY (!!!)  one minute video, and watch our mayor as he rides off into the sunset:

And thanks, Mayor Shortal for hanging out for some post-ride socializing at Village Burger, too!

It’s not the first time he’s come out for rides here in Dunwoody.

He’s even been known to just go out for a ride on his own to get some exercise & fresh air!


2009 – Georgia Rides to the Capitol

2011 – Kids Bike Rodeo at Brook Run Park- L to R: Robert Wittenstein (then City Councilman), Denny Shortal, Joe Seconder (Bike Walk Dunwoody)

2013 – Multi-Use Trail Grand Opening, Brook Run Park. With his wife, Meredy


2011 – Bicycle Ride Around Dunwoody (Lemonade Days)

About the Ride

Bike Walk Dunwoody’s Monthly Community Bike Ride is the first Sunday of each month, March through November. Dunwoody Mayor Denny Shortal joined in for the fun for our final ride of 2016. For more details on the ride, please click here.