Safe Streets for Dunwoody

Safe Streets for Dunwoody

Lend your voice for safe, Complete Streets

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On-Street Bike Facilities by Year

On-Street Bike Facilities by Year

2007 - 2017: Actual, Projected & Possible. Bike Lanes, Bikeable Shoulders & Sharrows.

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Get Involved

Get Involved

Join our mailing list, and help out periodically.

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Hammond Drive Bike/Ped Improvements

About This page is a placeholder for the ongoing study, design, approval, funding and ultimately building of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure on Hammond Drive between Glenridge Drive and Ashford-Dunwoody. The area spans both Sandy Springs and Dunwoody cities and is in close coordination with the Perimeter Community Improvement Districts organization. The FIRST TIME the pubic

Mt. Vernon Repaving & Bike Lanes (April 17, 2016)

April 17, 2016: Have you noticed the nice & smooth new asphalt poured on Mt. Vernon between Ashford-Dunwoody & Vernon Oaks? Guess what, just about all of that mile-long segment will have bike lanes, greatly contributing to the safety of persons on bicycles, pedestrians (additional buffer) and motorists (traffic calming) by following our city’s Complete

Fundraiser: Bike Repair Kiosks for Dunwoody

Say you’re at the park and forgot to pump up your bicycle tires. Or are just riding along and a nut gets loose. Wouldn’t it be great for people on bikes to have the ability to make routine bicycle repairs at select locations in our community? As a supporter of Bike-Walk Dunwoody, you can help this become reality. Any

City Council & Dunkin Donuts: Keep the Bike Lane at North Peachtree

Action Alert for TODAY: 3/28/2016 Please send an email, call city hall, come to the council meeting tonight & speak up in support for the continuation of bike lanes on North Peachtree. City Staff is recommending that a new development –a Dunkin Donuts shop on the corner of Cotillion- have the requirement to install a bike

Public input needed for Ashford Dunwoody Corridor Study

The city of Brookhaven is holding two Stakeholder Meetings to discuss the future of the Ashford Dunwoody Road corridor and wants your input. As one of the first steps in the Ashford Dunwoody Road Corridor Study, the city of Brookhaven is hosting two open-house style meetings to present project information and solicit input on issues,

Fund Safe Streets for Dunwoody

Safety First (Scroll to the bottom for our Call to Action) This is a saying we are all familiar with. Be safe. Don’t slip. Unplug the curlers. Whatever. Whether it be on a work site, our schools or at home. And while driving, too. But what about persons walking on foot? How about the residents &

Add Space for Bikes = Reduce Car Parking Requirements

Did you know that by installing bicycle parking, the Dunwoody city ordinance allows for a REDUCTION in minimum car parking requirements? Any nonresidential use may convert or substitute up to 25 required motor vehicle parking spaces. This is a hidden gem that needs to be shared with any upcoming new development in our city. A single

Bike Walk Dunwoody Winter Social / Meeting

Socialize with your friends & neighbors. Learn about upcoming projects in Dunwoody that support human-powered movement. Provide input and collaborate on our 2016 initiatives. Appetizers: Thanks to Village Burger, Alon’s and Corner Bakery, we’ll have appetizers to share. Beverages: BYO Social / Mixer: 6:30 pm until 7 pm-ish Meeting thereafter Free Bike Walk Dunwoody T-Shirts

Dunwoody Parks & Rec Plan Update: Public Forum

Help make a difference in the future of Dunwoody on Tuesday, January 12th. Sound your voice & have input into our city’s Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update. In 2013 the city’s Community Survey, the top two responses for amenities of our parks were for more trails & bike paths. We agree! With YOUR input

Nudging the Needle on Tilly Mill Bike Lanes: It takes a village

Editor’s note: Apologies from the staff of Bike Walk Dunwoody for the delay in getting this story out. “It takes a village” really brings this home. In May & June we asked for public input to support bike lanes along Tilly Mill. Earlier this month, we asked for your help again. And YOU have made a