As evident, those who show up CAN affect change in your own zip code. It’s proven that a few good folks getting together from time to time CAN shape our city’s plans, influence priorities and see real outcomes in our community.
As our founder, Joe Seconder will be sworn in to Dunwoody city council on the evening of January 2nd*, it’s important for the longevity of Bike Walk Dunwoody that there be a good succession plan to carry the torch forward.
We’d like to host a meeting & social in January to focus on our internal organization, soliciting help, and what you would like to focus on for 2020.
Please don’t be intimidated by this ask. All it takes is 2-4 people stepping forward committing to spending a couple of hours a month to achieve the reality of creating the most walk & bike friendly suburb in all of Georgia!
Can you kindly reply to THIS QUESTIONNAIRE when you would be available, and whether you have any specific preferences to assist?
And as a reminder, feel free to checkout the “why” of Bike Walk Dunwoody: Vision, Goals & Objectives.
* Open to the pubic, all are invited! Dunwoody City Hall, starts promptly at 6 pm. Social TBD afterwards.